strong & independent individuals

In the past few years, I have noticed an increasing popular trend of “feminism” among the younger generation. It has become a very widely accepted concept that women are just as capable, or more so, than men and that we should be viewed and treated in a respectful, and sometimes even superior way. The phrase “strong, independent woman” is thrown around often in attempts to suggest that women can and should be both as ‘strong’ and as ‘independent’ as men are viewed to be. While I largely agree to the fact that women are, in fact, just as capable and strong as men in many regards, I am discouraged to see this trend take a negative spin in somewhat figuratively putting women on a social pedestal, which in turn causes us to view men as ‘less than’ and devalued in a sense. The point I am attempting to make in this bold statement is as follows: women and men are both equally strong and independent, and the essential roles and characteristics of each gender are crucial in the strengthening of communities and homes.

In a similar light, I have found that with this heavy influence of considerably toxic feminism on the media, it can be difficult for teens to navigate their way and discover their desired identity through those character shaping years of life. A contributor to this could be considered the idea that just a couple years ago, we viewed differences between boys and girls very differently as we do now. What before was merely considered a “tomboy” or a “girly boy” is now considered to be the preface of an individual who will one day experience same sex attraction. This development makes me question whether those who now classify as lesbian or gay were once influenced in any way by the opinions of the media during their adolescent years.

As previously mentioned, the roles of each gender play a huge impactful part in the thriving of societies as a whole and individual family units as well. While I acknowledge that the stereotypical character traits of males and females aren’t always prominently displayed in each individual, I would argue that the differences in the roles of genders are vital, and we are in need of both strong and independent women and men in the world. Regardless of how different it may appear based on culture, socioeconomic status, race, or otherwise, we need both contrasting gender roles and personalities to thrive.

In relation to my family, I have recognized this influence as I have heavily relied on both my mother and father for different situations in my life. In times where I have felt overwhelmed or in need of a best friend support, I turn to my mom to talk it out with me and channel in her nurturing and caring personality in assisting me. When I have needed someone to spend my time with to help me forget about everything going on in life, my dad steps in as my all time adventure and travel buddy and whether we are hiking, traveling, or even fixing cars together, his hard working and driven personality helps me through the best and worst times of my life. Similar to how I’ve felt a need for them in my life, I have been grateful to recognize their obvious need for each other as well. When one of my parents leaves for the weekend, I can clearly see how different our home would be without one of their influences and roles present. If my mom is gone, I notice the organization and structure of the home decreases significantly and if my dad is away, we immediately recognize how incapable we are of fixing things without his help.

Overall, I feel strongly that men and women are equal in ability, but the individual strengths and characteristics of each gender are invaluable in holding together a healthy and happy home and community. As stated in ‘The Family: A Proclamation to the World’, “All human beings—male and female—are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose.” (Hinkley, 1995) I am proud of all of the strong and independent individuals that have so deeply rooted their desire to magnify their eternal identity in using the characteristics they possess to build up those around them.

Love, Lily


Gordon, H. B. (1995). The family proclamation. Proclamation. Retrieved October 13, 2022, from


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