
Because the Lord is my strength, I find power in His gospel on a day to day basis. Similar to lifting weights and maintaining physical strength, it is sometimes difficult to strengthen my testimony when I do not act on it each day. Recently, I began reading a randomly selected hymn each night and finding ways to apply it to me and find direction through the words. This has helped me feel the Savior’s strength in a new way and I feel such a connection with Him because of that. The hymn, “Come Unto Jesus” shares a powerful message about how Christ makes burdens light and guides us through the good and bad through His atonement. Some of my favorite words are found in the first verse, “Come unto Jesus, ye heavy laden, careworn and fainting, by sin oppressed. He’ll safely guide you unto that haven; where all who trust him may rest.” It is amazing that the strongest, most powerful being is on our side and is willing to help us when hurting. He loves everyone even when we find ourselves in the darkest times or turn against Him, and He brings light and strength into our lives. I genuinely believe that my Savior strengthens me each day I plead for His love and look for His hand in my life because of it. He builds me up and carries me through hard times in my life and I know that every person in this world is a son or daughter of God and no matter the circumstance, the strength of the Lord can apply to everyone. He suffered every trial I will ever go through. He knows exactly how I feel when I am hurting and strengthens me.

Psalm 138- “In the day when I cried thou answeredst me, and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul. Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me. The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O Lord, endureth forever.”

Love, Lily


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