ways to bear testimony.

A testimony doesn’t always have to be born in a formal setting. It is often much easier for me to share the Savior’s light by shining it in different ways. Testimonies can be shared: in your heart, through genuine and perfect love, by a righteous example, to friends and family, in sacrament meeting, in a journal or written down, seminary, Sunday School, through the light of Christ, through a simple prayer of faith, by living the commandments, by overcoming evil, bringing souls unto Christ, knowing and believing in the scriptures, staying close to the Savior, personal revelation of truth in mind and heart, acting on Spiritual impressions or guidance, teaching simple doctrine, finding differences in the Lord’s and the world’s standards, rejecting temporal temptations, through strength and confidence in the gospel, conveying truth, serving God’s children, or prayer for the grace and spirit of the Savior. Dallin H. Oaks said, “Testimony is to know and believe, conversion is to do and become.”

Love, Lily


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