perfectly imperfect.

The best way to know who you are is simply remembering whose you are. Through temptations, distractions, or even mental illness’, Satan does everything in his power to attempt to make everyone forget their purpose in life and who they really are, carefully leading them down to darkness. However, we are given a body and a spirit uniquely designed to allow us to overcome the adversary. We do our part to defeat evil, and the Savior completes the imperfections that still lie in each of us. God has only ever worked with imperfect people and he continues to trust each individual with a special purpose to accomplish something amazing. We are so blessed to be enabled by the atonement of the Lord, and by fully devoting our lives to His will, we can understand that He came here to a wicked world to pay a debt He didn’t owe because we owe a debt we cannot pay. He truly is the stepping stone between where we currently are and the perfect beings we will someday become. Our lives were designed to be difficult. How else would we be able to learn how to trust God and strengthen our connection to His son Jesus Christ? I have learned that the only way to truly heal is the Healer himself, the only way to be saved is the Savior himself, and the only way to be redeemed is by the divine Redeemer himself. He loves. He transforms. He is the reason we are. Because of that, it is simple to know that I am who I am because of who made me and put me in this very place as a part of His amazing plan. God is good.

Love, Lily


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