woche fünf.

Hallo Alle! It has been a freaking awesome week! I know I say that like every week but this week was significantly amazing. It’s so crazy to me that I only have a week and a half left until I finish the MTC! I feel like a typical missionary cuz literally all I ever think about is like the Book of Mormon and all the super cool experiences I have every day when I feel the Spirit.

Something interesting that my companion, the wonderful Sister Miltimore, and I were talking about the other day is in the scripture, D&C 4:4, it talks about the field being “white and ready to harvest”. We thought it was interesting that this is almost always referenced with missionary work and part of me thinks that is why it is called the “mission field”. Our only job as missionaries, and as Latter-Day Saints, is to scatter seeds throughout the field. Some may hit rocks, dry ground, or die before getting the chance to sprout. But, we continue to scatter because there will be the few seeds that grow significantly and then spread more seeds throughout the field. In accordance to all the seeds of the world, 3 things are required for growth. These include: water, sunlight, and fertilization. For our testimonies, conversion & baptism symbolize water, the light of the Savior represents sunlight, and the constant guiding power of the Holy Ghost resembles fertilization.

As always, Hermana Ricks and I always party hard. We have started going on runs every day, but it’s really icy so it’s kinda a hit or miss whether we stay on our feet the whole time haha. We also have started doing some of our “exercise” by just playing at a little kids park for a while which makes it fun I guess lol. We also have realized that desserts hit different when you are cooped up in classes all the time sooo we have successfully eaten two entire batches of muffins, a whole pan of brownies, and half a pan of chocolate peanut butter bar thingies just between the two of us within the span of this last week. Send prayers that grandma will continue to supply us with delicious food haha.

Anyways, I hope all y’all have the bestest week and don’t forget to always remember the Savior in all you do. Take a little extra time this week to thank Heavenly Father for the spiritual experiences and little miracles you see each day. Much love!

Liebe, Sister Parker


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