woche sechs.

Hey hey! I’m down to a few days left of home MTC! Crazy stuff. I have learned a crap ton in the past 6 weeks and I’m certain I’m going to keep learning even more in the weeks to come!

This past week I’ve been thinking a lot about the story in Matthew 14:24-33 about Jesus walking on water and how it is so applicable to all of us. (now is the time where you go read it cuz it’s that good;))

We all know that the Savior has the ability to walk on water and perform mighty miracles, but for some reason when it’s our turn to walk on water and act on our faith, it’s hard to believe we can do it. BUT. Christ trusts us. He knows our faith is enough to move mountains, to walk on water, and to change our lives and the lives of others. He knows we’ll have doubts and start to sink sometimes, but He still patiently loves us and gives us unlimited second chances. That is so cool. We are lucky to be on His team.

Liebe, Sister Parker


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