off-roading for the win.

Hallo alle!!

This week was awesome!! Lots of miracles, lots of wonderful studies, and lots of laughs.
-We have been teaching this wonderful lady named Lydia who is scared about her daughter being possessed by a demon, and she referred us to her daughter so we’ve been teaching her too! (Her daughter lives in Indiana) and then Lydia referred us to her coworker too so we got a 3 for one deal with her hahah.
-One day we had the feeling to go stop at a recent convert named Nichol’s house and she cried when we came and told us how much she had been praying for the missionaries to stop by. She is a single mother of twin boys and she was so excited to tell us that they want to get baptized so we are now teaching them the lessons!
-Every night before bed, my companions and I go around and say our favorite part of the day, our least favorite part of the day and why we are grateful for it, and then something we love about each other and it has been so good for comp unity and feeling good about our efforts every day. We also do a lot of hot cocoa and popcorn girls nights (after 9 of course) and watch church videos together which I love.
Okay y’all idk what happened but I’m all the sudden like super obsessed with studying the scriptures. It’s almost like I’m a missionary or something;). But I made a study goal for the rest of my mission to read all of the standard works of scripture and I am so excited!! So if you ever want to study the scriptures with someone, please hit me up cuz I’d love to do that!! We do a weekly Book of Mormon book club with the El Paseo ward and it’s so fun.
-So the other day, we were driving out to the marine base but we decided to take a different route and the next thing we knew we were on a rocky dirt road in our super nice 2020 rav4 and we were like “well it’s too late we just gotta send it at this point”, so we kinda just went full throttle hahaha. We cranked up the veggie tales soundtrack and just partied. It was so fun not gonna lie. We hit a huge bump and all of us literally bounced off our seats and almost hit the ceiling and then just died laughing. Good times.
We also had a massive wind storm the other day to the point where I questioned whether we were gonna have a tornado and let me tell you. When you’re in the middle of the desert in a sand storm, being outside is no fun. But of course that’s the day we picked to do lots of contacting so yayyy.
-Our pet fish, Elder, needed his tank cleaned so we dumped out the water and somehow he slipped out too and took a little trip down the sink drain….literally we flipped out for a minute cuz we can’t live without our fish. So Sis Fry reached down and somehow managed to save him and he is still alive and kicking so thanks for praying for the missionaries and their pets.
Okay whoever is reading this right now. I have a mega challenge for you. Turn off your phone or computer or whatever source of technology you are on and kneel down. Ask God RIGHT NOW how He feels about you and then just stop for a minute. Stop thinking about your life, your anxieties, and the things you have to do. Stop thinking about the world you live in and think instead about the one who created the world you live in, and more importantly, the one who created YOU. He loves you did you know that? But dont take it from me. Go ask Him yourself.
-Sister Parker
(ps, most of the pics were on our hikes @ joshua tree national park:))


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