share dinosaurs to share the gospel.


This week literally went so fast I can’t believe it’s already Monday again wowzers. The days are always super busy and we get like a weeks worth of stuff done in one day so by the time the week is over I feel like it’s been a month but it also goes so fast. It’s like magic. This week my companions and I did a no sugar fast and it was not as bad as I thought, but I am so excited to have fruity pebbles again tomorrow haha.
TEACHING: This week we had some super good lessons again!
-My favorite thing is when we teach families with little kids cuz then I get to play with their toys with them and it’s my biggest source of entertainment haha. We visit like 4 different families with kids so I’ve gotten to play with cute puppies, toy dinosaurs, action figures, the coolest RC boat I’ve ever seen, a cool homemade slingshot, and coloring pages hahah. I’ve been defaulted to being the companion that entertains the kids while we teach which is a party lol.
-I’ve been asked to be a virtual piano teacher to a lady in New York City and I’m so excited to start that next week!! She is a nonmember, so will be teaching her simplified hymns and tying in the missionary lessons(:
RANDOM THINGS: this week we had zone conference in Redlands at the temple! I got to play the piano a lot there too which was so nice. We were given about an hour to ourselves to walk around the temple and lay in the sun and study our patriarchal blessings and stuff and I loved it!
-we also had exchanges this week so one of the stl’s of our district joined our companionship and we partied! It was super fun.
-when we were running the other day, we passed a homeless man who was attempting to drag a massive branch into his little bike trailer and it was so funny to me for some reason. We also saw him going through everyone’s mailboxes and stealing their mail so good thing our mail goes to the mission home haha.
DINOSAURS: so in our car we have a massive bag full of little dinosaur things and we leave them on people’s cars sometimes or we make food for the elders and hide them inside hahaha. It’s like our little trademark to make our mark. Sometimes we’ll just look at each other and be like “this person needs a dinosaur today.” Also we’ve been trying to make an educated theory about what part of the Plan of Salvation dinosaurs come in, so PLEASE let me know if you know the answer.
CHALLENGE: This transfer I’ve been focusing a bunch on having patience with myself and in recognizing the Lord’s timing. James 1: 2-4 have been so helpful for me! I know it can be so hard to see the good in hard situations and understand the amazing amount of growth and strength that come from trials, but the more we see the good in affliction, the more we will learn from it.
SO. This week I challenge everyone to really focus on the stories in the Book of Mormon that show the amount of resilience and patience they had through their trials. And then get on your knees and say a prayer of gratitude for the hard things you go through every day.
I can promise you that you will not only gain a better understanding of why God is trusting you with this trial, but you will also see the beauty in the growth and experience you are gaining!
Keep on keepin on y’all!! Much love
-Sister Parker


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