ich liebe die sterne.

hallo alle!!

This week flew by so fast I dont even remember what happened. We saw lots of miracles as always and has some awesome experiences with outdoor finding and got a couple new people to teach! Woot woot!!
EXCHANGES: we had exchanges on saturday so Sister Taylor and I went down to Palm Springs with the hermanas! Palm Springs was literally wonderful. It was so so warm and beautiful and I definitely would like to go there again when I can chill instead of work;). The hermanas apartment has a pool so we did comp study outside by the pool (dont even worry we are not apostate; we didn’t even touch the water).
BASE ACTIVITY: every thursday we meet up with the marines and have a 2 hour party and just play games and Sister Bishop always makes cookies and it’s so much fun. Highlight of every week. But once a month, we have a movie night with them which is the BEST cuz then we get to watch real movies and not just Meet the Mormons;). The marines are seriously my favorite people!
STAR GAZING: ok so my new favorite thing ever. Every once in a while my comps and I will lay a blanket outside in our driveway and look at the stars and have deep talks (but let’s be real it’s mostly just talking about boys lol) and the stars are sooo pretty here. Sometimes we turn on a German meditation soundtrack and it’s so relaxing. German is a very unsettling and aggressive language, but actually very effective with meditation haha.
RECENTER YOURSELF: the reason I mentioned star gazing is because I think it’s really important to understand where you are. When you are staring at the stars, you aren’t looking up; you are looking out. You are looking out at God’s artwork and He is looking right back at you. I’ve been studying a lot about the creation and all of the wonderful things God has done. But the reoccurring point I have noticed is God’s finest creation:  mankind. There are so many accounts in the scriptures of when God calls His children by name and has a specific purpose for them to accomplish. The very first word that opened this dispensation was Joseph Smith’s name. If that isn’t evidence that God knows and loves His children personally, I dont know what is.
So. Look out. Recenter yourself and remember where you are and why you are here. God sent you here! He trusts you with an amazing work to accomplish.
MEGA CHALLENGE: this week I am going to highlight and appreciate each day of the week according to what God created on that day during His creation. I invite each of you to take a second every day and appreciate what God has created for you. And then share it! Put your thoughts on Facebook, share your testimony with someone, or write it down somewhere so you never forget it. I KNOW that when you reflect on God’s creations with gratitude, He will place miracles in your path you havent yet discovered.
I love you all!! Have a wonderful week((:
-Sister Parker
(PS: here are the days of creation for reference;))
Day 1: light & darkness
Day 2: earth
Day 3: plants
Day 4: sun & moon
Day 5: animals
Day 6: people
Day 7: rest


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