so. much. food.

Hello all y’all!! Here’s the tea of the week(:

So this week we ate a lot of food obviously. The members give us SO much food and then the Elders give us all the food that the members gave them that they dont want and then the marines buy us food and then we just sit here like okay who wants to gain 17 pounds this week? Yayyy. But we love it obviously. BUT.
We got 3 people on date to be baptized! We are so excited for the 2 adorable Klascius boys to be baptized soon as well as our new friend Jonathan who is such a golden and prepared guy. Woohoo!!
Honestly we’ve just been crazy busy getting ready for transfers and Sister Taylor going home and such, but it’s been fun!! We had a fun outdoor lesson at one of my favorite member family’s houses at their campfire which was awesome. We also had our weekly Book of Mormon FHE with the marines, the Book of Mormon book club with the ward, service at the thrift shop, and a Bible boost live on Facebook!
Sorry for the boring scatterbrained email, but I hope y’all are doing good!!
CHALLENGE: lately I’ve been very intrigued with studying about sacrifice in the scriptures (specifically in the Old Testament-Genesis through Leviticus) and I find it so powerful that we still sacrifice things every day as members of the church. We make promises and covenants, we partake of the sacrament, we utilize the atonement of Jesus Christ, we fast from food once a month, and we make changes to become more like Jesus Christ. What is ONE THING you are willing to sacrifice this week to draw closer to the Savior? It could even be as simple as sacrificing 5 more minutes a day to read the scriptures or sacrificing a little bit of your sleep time to say a prayer. It makes all the difference! I promise that you will have a better understanding of the gospel as you sacrifice and make changes to live it more fully.
Liebe, Sister Parker


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