mega missionary day? I think yes.

Hallo hallo!! Twas a wonderful week for sure. We had transfers and my wonderful trainer, Sister Taylor, went home :(. But Sister Fry and I got a new companion, Sister Carlile, who is literally my fav person.

LEDGENDARY FRIDAY: so on thursday night we decided that we were gonna set a new district record for most lessons in 1 day and we cranked it out haha. We set up at least 20 lessons, but all missionaries know that lessons fall through all the time lol. But we ended up having a total of 15 lessons!! We also did some gardening for a member, and met a new potential person to teach!! The way we met him was actually hilarious. We stopped by a self referral’s house and she wasnt home but her cousin was in the front yard chewing tobacco and holding his pet lizzard on a leash. We were honestly scared to talk to him cuz he looked pretty sketchy, but he ended up being super interested in the gospel and we had a lesson with him right then and there! I wish every day could be that jam packed but we also have to breathe sometimes lol.
FREAKING COVID SHOTS: ok we got our first Covid vaccines the other day and it killed us. I dont know if it has any correlation, but I woke up the next day with an awful migraine and I was super achy and tired and nauseous and all that fun stuff. ALSO fun fact. I have had 14 bloody noses in the past 24 hours or less and it’s kinda hilarious not gonna lie. We are completely out of toilet paper now because my nose is so special.
CHALLENGE: miracles are everywhere and it’s amazing to be able to witness them all over. I have come to know that a beautiful way to recognize miracles is seeing the blessings we’ve already been given through patriarchal blessings. Yesterday I went through mine and looked up definitions to a lot of the words and it gave it so much power in knowing what the Lord is trusting me to do here on Earth! So I invite everyone to go through your patriarchal blessing and recognize the miracles that come from it and put significant emphasis on parts you havent yet seen or understood. I know that in doing this, you will feel strength and power in your testimony and miracles will surround you.
I love you and God loves you!!
Liebe, Sister Parker(:
(Yes I am aware that all of my pictures include food… im living my best life ok)


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