my name is sis p and I like to party.

The two highlights of this week were definitely:

1) getting to go out in the middle of the desert and shoot bow and arrows with our marine friends!! We had a bonfire fireside and the stars were SO pretty! I love getting to hang out with those kool kats all the time.

2) getting to be a part of the annual 29 Palms sunrise service for Easter! A bunch of different representatives from other churches got together and sang songs, read scriptures, said prayers, and praised the Lord in their own ways! We got to represent the LDS church and sang at it! It was a really cool experience (:

Other than that…
-we had zone conference
-we had a mumu photo shoot
-we watched conference on base with our buddies
-I accidentally smacked myself in the face with my waterbottle really hard lol
-we went on a fun hike @ joshua tree ntl park
-we met a family that has the hugest pot belly pig I’ve ever seen and also an adorable dalmatian and some snakes and turtles haha
CHALLENGE: email me your favorite quote from conference and I’ll share it with someone around here! Then share it with someone else too(:
Liebe, Sis P
(disclaimer: I did NOT actually shoot Farfan;))


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