croatia “quarantine”.

Okay so seriously BEST. WEEK. EVER. It’s funny when you think you’re getting yeeted to Europe to quarantine in Croatia and then you realize that nobody wears masks and we literally just tour around and study all day. We are living in a 5 star hotel that is wayyyy too nice for me cuz you know I’m used to hostels with a bunch of old men lol. I dont even know where to start about everything haha so here are some fun facts about my life right now:)

》we are here with quite a few other german missionaries so we have a professional german tutor come help us for 3 hours a day and then we have movie nights watching the Chosen together every night as well!! (Pretty much EFY and MTC combined)
》even though none of us are close to fluent, we try to speak 100% german together which is super helpful
》I definitely didn’t realize how much I missed European gelato and bread and chocolate until it once again became my daily diet
》we got to have a sacrament meeting yesterday in the top floor presidential suite and it was probably the only sacrament I’ll ever have with only missionaries and senior couples and it was a powerful testimony meeting. I love all these missionaries so much already
》I tried some facebook finding here and found a couple people to share the gospel with, but most people speak mostly Croatian and English is kinda a struggle for them haha
Okay but on a spiritual note because I am still a missionary……
》last monday I was able to finish the Book of Mormon in English and German and I had a new standout in Moroni 10 as always. I found that he uses the word “exhort” 9 times in that chapter alone and he invites us to do a number of things that will help us strengthen our faith in Christ. Every invitation comes with promised blessings on how our lives will improve as Christ becomes a more prominent part of it. I CHALLENGE each and every one of you to read Moroni 10 and write down all of the exhortations he asks of us and then ACT on them. Just pick one at a time and focus on the blessings that come from living what you believe. I PROMISE along with Moroni that miracles come after faith and faith strengthens after miracles. It works. It changes people. The Book of Mormon has changed my life, but change doesn’t come until we actively believe.
Sorry for the long email, I am just overly excited about everything going on right now and I am so grateful for these opportunities!!
Ofa lahi ‘atu ma’u pē!!
♡//Sister Lily Parker
(ps some of this pics are from california last week:))


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