hey its me again.

Hey hey!!

Yall. This place is seriously the prettiest place in the world. The people are even better. And the German language is such a party honestly, even if I only understand like 70% of what’s going on lol.
Fun moments:
》So this week my comp had to go to Munich for a meeting for 2 days, so me and another brand new Sister (whose comp also left) were companions for a while and both of us have little to no experience with German but holy cow I’ve never seen so many miracles!! It was so crazy how all the sudden my faith skyrocketed and my ability to speak and understand German went up with it. But I am absolutely positive that God has helped me SO MUCH through the Holy Ghost and I couldnt be more thankful for that.
》I also was so lucky to be asked to speak in church….in German of course lol. It was quite interesting but I simply testified about how I love potatoes and Jesus Christ now the members feed us more potatoes so I’d say that’s a win.
》I’ve already said this, but this is just the cutest farm town and I have missed seeing tractors at roundabouts and intersections. My favorite thing hands down.
》there were some mega downpours of rain this week (of course the days when I had to drive) and so naturally we had some mega dance parties in the rain in between lessons and we got to walk around barefoot through puddles outside while we waited for the weather to clear up enough to drive. 10/10 would do it every day.
》I have never in my life had so much love for a ward with only a week or so of being here. Like seriously they are so caring and loving and feed us the best food and their testimonies of the gospel are so inspiring.
Spiritual thought:
》I was thinking about how I could literally be content living here for the rest of my life hahaha and I came across this short scripture that made me smile outloud:)
Alma 17:23, “Yea, I desire to dwell among this people for a time; yea, and perhaps until the day I die.”
Do you love the people you are around? If not what can you do to love them more? One of God’s greatest blessings He has given to His children is His other children. Who has made such a profound impact on you that you would desire to dwell among them until the day you die?
I challenge you to surround yourself with people that you love and that inspire you to become a more loving child of God. Happiness follows when you love where you are and who you are becoming:))
♡♡// sister lily parker


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