rainy days.

So if the title didn’t make it clear, europe has been getting a MEGA downpour of rain lately. Like so much. I absolutely love the rain so it’s kinda my favorite thing ever, but there’s been a lot of damage from it too. Lots of places in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria have been having extreme floods with a significant number of deaths and tragedies. So PLEASE PRAY for the sweet people in these wonderful places.

On a happier note, here are some random things that happened here this week:
》We had a random number call us saying his name was Max, he found us on a website, and he wants to be baptized! We legit thought it was a prank so we didn’t think much of it, but we invited him to church and we have a time set up to have a lesson so LET’S GO!!
》We got a member referral a while ago for a sweet older woman named Elizabeth who is the MOST authentic austrian I have ever met. Her house is like a cottage in the middle of nowhere and she has such a thick austrian dialect that I can hardly understand anything she says lol. Love it.
》Just wanted you all to be aware that I love potatoes and today I baked 15 potatoes so I can eat them all the time. Nuff said. Also I ate pretty much an entire pan of brownies so if you’re not already concerned for my eating habits, you should be;).
》I guess I should put a spiritual note on here too;) all I have to say is trust in the trials God has picked for you. He knows you. Job 23:10 is one of my new favorites; “But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.” ☆☆
Lots of love from Neumarkt,
Sister Parker


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