choose to stay.


Future Lily Parker or whoever is reading this.

STOP doubting. STOP trying to control your lives in ways that God needs to control. STOP what you’re doing and rethink. Recenter. Reevaluate. Recommit. Remember.

The church is true. From the beginning of time there have been doubters. There have always been people that have stuggled to believe the truth and that are confused in their hearts. But from the beginning of my time on earth, I have never been one of them.

People’s hearts are failing them because they choose to seek sources for happiness that only lead to destruction. Christ builds us up and it is up to us to keep the world from tearing us down again. It has been prophesied for years that people will fight against the church. People will stop believing. People will mock and laugh. People will seek evidence for the purpose of proving the Book of Mormon is “made up”.

I am here to make it known that the Book of Mormon is most definetly made up. It is made up of the most amazing stories this world has ever seen. It is made up of  people who had a mustard seed of faith and a whole lot of trust in the Lord. It is made up of people with doubts and struggles just like today’s world, but the significant difference is that the Book of Mormon provides powerful answers and a way out of the dark. The Book of Mormon is made up of heros who foretold the coming of Christ and couldn’t bear to see even one soul lose sight of Heavenly Father’s love for His children. It is made up of people who suffered and died because they couldn’t deny the reality of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Similarly, the Book of Mormon was brought up and given to us by a people who were beaten and tourmented beyond belief because of how spiritually blind and confused the unbelievers were. The incredible thing is that throughout it all, in every story I have ever read, those who were picked on and afflicted for believing in the divinity of the gospel were and still are ALWAYS happier than those who have not a clue of what it really means.

I would gladly give my life for a simple and powerful book. I would die with a smile on my face because I know where I am going. I have hope in a fallen world because I understand why the world is fallen.

So I’m begging you. STOP right now and choose to stay. Don’t just go to church. BE at church. Don’t just be content with where you are in the world’s eyes; take a look at how God sees you and STAY with Him. Don’t ever give up on His perfect plan for you because His way is the only way to feel a pure brightness of hope.

If you are doubting, go listen to a Jeffery R. Holland talk and slap yourself in the face because this is NOT a made up church. It is a church made up of followers of Christ who seek the good in a confused world.

Choose to be follow Him. Choose to trust Him. Choose to seek Him.

Choose to STAY.

Alma 24:19 – And thus we see that, when these Lamanites were brought to believe and to know the truth, they were firm, and would suffer even unto death rather than commit sin; and thus we see that they buried their weapons of peace, or they buried the weapons of war, for peace.

What are you willing to give up to follow Christ?

Love, Lily



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