your mom goes to college.

This week was amazing but not any super exciting stories lol

》we went on a walk in the pouring rain to see the sweetest lady in our ward in a nursing home and everyone there was so happy to see us which melted my heart
》we started working a lot with the young women and we’re going to start a self love class with them!! They are just the best.
》we went to linz for street finding with the zone and got free ice cream from a member owned ice cream place which was BOMB.
spiritual thought:
》this week I feel like I got drowned in opposition against the church. Sometimes it’s hard to know what to say, especially when it’s in a different language, but I’m so grateful that the scriptures prophesied about this time and show us how to gather israel despite those who try to hold us back. I KNOW IT’S TRUE. My testimony is strengthened every time it’s tried because I can recognize the difference in how I feel when I hear the truth and the opposition to it. All I can say is STAY faithful because it’s worth it.
♡//Sister Parker
(ps, I got to join a tour of the sacred grove with some of my high school friends which made me smile. shout out to my fav pals in the universe♡♡)
(pps, I’m fully aware that the title makes absolutely no sense… I’m slowly giving up on weekly email effort lol)


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