evidence that God is real.

》last Wednesday we visited a sweet older couple in our ward to bring by dinner because the wife has dementia, and the husband asked if we like music/can play the piano and I was like um yes pls. So I got to play the most out of tune and tender piano I’ve ever seen while he played the guitar and sung with us to Der Herr ist mein Hirte (the Lord is my Shepherd) His cute wife took a video and somehow remembered every word of the song because it’s her favorite hymn. If you havent seen God’s hand yet today, just think about this cute couple.♡

》we got to spend a couple days in Innsbruck for an ausstellung with the zone and it was SO fun. Lots of success and lots of funny moments too. Missionary work is the bomb.
》yesterday for district council we all wore trachten (dirndls and lederhosen) and then had quesadillas and cookie dough. Yep.
spiritual thought:
》this week I’ve been reading in Alma which always hypes me up because there are so many amazing missionary stories inside hehe. But for some reason, the part that stood out to me the most this week was the story of the Zoramites and the Rameumptom and how Alma and his brethren preach to them. (See Alma 31-32) there are so many things about this story that I love, but I especially love how Alma saw the Zoramites doing the most wack form of worship and he IMMEDIATELY turned to prayer to see how he could help them. And then he stopped everything and left to go serve them.
Sometimes I think that especially as members of the church we tend to look outside and see a lot of wack things happening in the world and we want to stay far away from it. But how will we ever gather Israel if we never willing to talk to and understand those who need our help the most? I’ve seen a lot of crazies on my mission, and I’ve learned a whole lot of life changing things from them all that has strengthened my testimony of the gospel.
People simply need to be understood. Enough said.
♡//Sister Parker


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