hitlers hideout.

what is up my dudes?! let me tell you what’s going down over here.

》So last pday we (me and my district) went on a massive hike up to hitlers hideout during WWII which was awesome!! It is so high up and “unreachable” that we had to hike to the top of a mountain and then take an elevator inside of the mountain up to a higher peak where the hideout was. SO SICK. But the view was even better. I just love Austria holy my goodness. ☆☆
》we had interviews the other day and President Naatjes last minute decided to buy us all burritos for dinner so we had a little zone dinner party and he gave us all unsolicited but appreciated marriage advice. he’s the best
》I downloaded Instagram…………many of you know I absolutely hate social media and I havent had it for 5 years now….but I kept getting impressions to get insta and I kept putting it off cuz I reallyyyy didn’t want to. But if it means helping more people find the gospel, I guess I can suck it up for another 10 months. (please send help I have no idea what I’m doing lol)
》one of my fav scriptures that I studied this week was Alma 49. It’s not really a “staple chapter”, but I absolutely LOVE reading about the preparations that Captain Moroni made with the Nephites for the war. It’s amazing to see how important and life changing simple and effective preparation can be!! I have definitely felt a difference in my life when I am prepared for things. Are you prepared for Jesus to come? There is no better time than NOW to start/keep preparing for that day.
Keep on keepin on!!
♡//Sister Parker


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