front row seat to david a bednar.

okay wow. I didn’t know it was physically possible to feel the spirit as strongly as I did this week.

I am so blessed to have heard a total of
7 and a half hours of the words of David A. Bednar this weekend and holy crap it changed my life. And you already know I sat front and center;)) all I gotta say is, if the spirit was that strong in the presence of an apostle of the Lord, I can’t even physically comprehend how much power will come when the Lord himself comes again. (Gird up your loins folks, that’s gonna be a goooood day)
I could literally write so much but I’ll try to keep it short with a few short and powerful things that the Spirit taught me this week through the voice of an apostle:))
1. Don’t write down the inspiring words you hear from people; write down powerful unspoken lessons that the Holy Ghost taught you through them.
2. My testimony is a simple witness of my knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ, nothing more & nothing less.
3. The Book of Mormon was not written as a history book; it was written oppositely as a future book because they saw OUR day. (see 1 Nephi 14:14)
4. The purpose of ordinances is to teach us and deepen our knowledge of covenants.
5. I might have the faith to be healed, but do I have the faith not to be healed? Do I trust God’s perfect plan for my life enough to handle the imperfections of life?
ALSO. I want whoever reads this to email me an answer to this question:
If you could have a conversation with Jesus Christ anywhere in the world where would it be?
I would want it to be the place in the mountains where I felt His presence the strongest so I can hear how it felt from His perspective. Are you putting yourself in places every day that you can feel His presence?
♡//Sister Parker


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