159 lesson week.

Okay so this week was wild. All I gotta say is God is so good and He will work though you as much as you work through Him.

》So we set a goal this week to teach 100 lessons whether it be with members, on the streets, social media, etc., and we were SO determined to reach it so we sat down and mega prayed and planned for every minute of the week of what we could do to stay productive and on top of it. And somehow, because God is literally the best, we somehow managed to hit 159!
(side note, I know missionary work is DEF not about numbers, but sometimes you have to set high goals to motivate yourself and then you focus on love the whole time you work towards it:))
》I LOVE THIS WARD & AREA and I literally never want to leave. Like ever.
》Spiritual thought. . .
Mormon chapter 9 is one of my favs in the BofM. Verse 19 says, “he changeth not; if so he would cease to be God; and he ceaseth not to be God, and is a God of miracles.”
There is SO much evidence from the scriptures that it isn’t God that changes, it’s us. That being said, MIRACLES HAVE NOT CEASED. Our eyes have simply forgotten how to see them. I challenge you to put away the world for enough time to recognize at least one miracle. I PROMISE they are still being shown unto us, and if it’s hard for you to recognize it, please message me and I will slap some sense into you;))
♡//Sista P


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