literally living on a prayer.

What is up my dudes?! Not much to report on this week but here’s some fun facts about life here in Neumarkt;)

》I ate some fire lasagna from Billa lol
》we took fake pregnancy pics for my 9 month mark
》I officially made it over a week without wearing fuzzy socks to bed (biggest accomplishment of the mish so far)
》we played bball with some members and they brought a bunch of nonmbers!! So fun but Europeans are not meant to play bball hahaha (I can’t say anything tho cuz I’m trash at it too)
》we had lots of lessons with less actives and 4 of them came to church!!!!
》I have been studying the Addiction Recovery Program like crazy because we are trying to help one of our friends stop smoking and holy WOW it is changing my life. Repentance is real, even if it’s just for every day mistakes. DON’T LEAVE CHRIST OUT OF REPENTANCE!! He is everything.
Schöne Woche und viele liebe!!
♡//Sister Parker


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