alone in austria.

servus yall!!

》we had an exchange this week and sis awerkamp and I made some banger cakes and cookies and then the next day I made a *b e a u t i f u l* bunt cake w/Sister Astle for one of our less active friend’s daughter’s bday hehe
Funny story:
》on Thursday my comp was coming home from Munich and sis awerkamp had to catch her train back to linz so I was companion-less for a few hours and had a spa night with the young women by myself… I felt kinda apostate but there was nothing I could do, so I just high key enjoyed driving through the countryside of Austria by myself with my jams (on the way back to get my companion) quite wonderful I can’t lie.
》on Sunday I got to speak in sacrament meeting and do all the music for it lol and then we spoke in relief society and I got to play the piano for relief society and elders quarom so that was a fun time haha. We love the Neumarkt ward wowzers
I know Jesus knows exactly how you feel and loves you through it. Check out our self love sunday to see me get wrecked on a yoga ball and learn how much potential Christ sees in you. I love you and God loves you!!
♡//Sis P


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