prayers with the homeless.

Okay this week was another really powerful spiritual week. Here are some short experiences as evidence;))

》we went street finding in Salzburg the other day and found a homeless man on the a bridge kneeling with his head down and a cup with a few coins in it in his hand. After crossing the bridge and walking away, Sister Astle and I both had a strong feeling to turn around and pray with him. We approached him only to find out that he is Serbian and doesn’t understand German, but we knelt with him anyways and said a prayer together and even though he didn’t understand the words said, I am certain that the Holy Ghost was able to speak to him and bring him God’s love that day♡

》we had a lesson on prayer with a member family and asked them how prayers have helped them, and a little boy in the fam said he prays whenever he loses his glasses and God helps him, and it just made me realize that I need to be more dependant on God when I lose things. Not just tangible objects, but more importantly when I lose things like hope, faith, modivation, or even seeing people I love losing their eternal perspective. God is always so ready to help us find things that we lose:))

》we gave our friend Horst the “Schrifterette” that we made to help him quit smoking and prepare to be baptized!! (Pretty much papers rolled like cigarettes that have scriptures inside lol) he was SO happy. I love Horst :,)

》Zoram in the BofM is straight up a HOMIE. I have never really paid attention to him, but this time through I’ve really been focusing on the amount of faith he had to just yeet out to the wilderness with a bunch of strangers in tents. And I love how good of friends him and Nephi are through all the hard times they go through. So sweet.

2 Nephi 1:30 – And now, Zoram, I speak unto you: Behold, thou art the servant of Laban; nevertheless, thou hast been brought out of the land of Jerusalem, and I know that thou art a true friend unto my son, Nephi, forever. :’)

♡//Sister Parker

(ps we also carved pumpkins and made pumpkin soup for mutual this week which was a blast:))


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