literal fruits of missionary work.

So it’s harvest season and I swear no matter where we go, people give us apples, grapes, or pomegranates from their trees lol.

Not many crazy things to say this week buuuut…
》we spent forever helping the relief society ladies set up for a wedding reception at the church and made more schnitzel than I’ve ever seen in my life, it was wonderful.
》we were able to have super good lessons with almost every single one of our friends this week and we asked Horst to help us with our self love sunday for the week and he is seriously the sweetest person I’ve ever met. I hope more than anything that I get to be at his baptism one day!
》I LOVE this area and I never ever want to leave the Neumarkt ward. Like ever.
Spiritual thought:
》I had a dream this week that I was on a train and Jesus came and got on and asked if He could sit with me and all I remember is that I had never felt so comfortable and I saw a different side of myself than I ever knew existed. We laughed so hard and were straight up just best friends, and we talked together about all of my experiences so far on my mission and He told me His point of view on everything that’s happened on my mission and it was absolutely incredible. I know it wasn’t a “vision” in any way, but it completely changed my perspective and relationship with Christ and I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to find the words to express my gratitude and love for Him♡
♡//Sister Parker


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