burgdorf, switzerland.

well my friends…this was a long but good week lol

》I got transfered to Switzerland!! I love my new area already and on our morning runs there are so many cool castles and mountains to see which is so fun:)
》okay I didn’t realize how nice the people are in Switzerland…I’m used to getting rejected like 90% of the time on the streets, but we went street finding the other day for less than 45 minutes and taught 16 lessons!!! that is like seriously crazy.
also, cool miracle from this…we met a man that only speaks French and somehow we were able to get the point across that we were missionaries and wanted to talk to him again, so we gave him our number and he actually texted us!! and he said he would love a French of Book of Mormon and he’s going to join us this week at a dinner appointment with a French family in the ward!!
》last night we had a dinner appointment with a newly returned missionary girl in our ward named Myriam, and she called us right before and said that she met a lady from Greece on the train earlier that day who was overwhelmed cuz she moved here yesterday and starts her new job tomorrow and Myriam invited her to eat dinner with us and it was SO fun!! we had such a good conversation about service and being good people and she wants to meet with us again!!
》we were on a train the other day and just happened to be studying the German Book of Mormon and a man sitting next to us asked us what we were reading and boom just like that we taught pretty much the whole story of the BofM and a lot about the restoration and everything too!! He seemed to already know quite a bit, but he was really interested to hear about it. We gave him a card and a Book of Mormon and promised him if he read the whole book and prayed about it that all of his questions would be answered. It was so powerful honestly and I really hope he does it.
》we spent a day in Biel and joined a lesson with one of the Biel Sister’s friend, who is deaf. It is a crazy situation because he is from Africa and can read in his mother language and English, but he can only “speak” Swiss German sign language and parts of German sign language. by some miracle, there is a lady in their ward that can do fluent Swiss German & German sign language and she translated for us!! He is on baptismal date and we taught him about the sacrament and I learned how to say the sacrament prayers in Swiss German sign language!! I don’t think I’ve ever felt the spirit that strongly and I actually started tearing up when he signed the closing prayer and Ella translated it in German for us and it was the sweetest prayer ever. It was straight evidence that God can and will provide a way for those who are prepared to hear his message. It’s true guys:)
》the other day, I was studying the introduction and reading all the witnesses and testimonies of Joseph Smith and the 11 other witnesses at the beginning of the BofM. My favorite part is when they say:
“And we give our names unto the world, to witness unto the world that which we have seen. And we lie not, God bearing witness of it.”
I added my own witness & testimony in my BofM because I think it’s SO important to be willing to “give our names to the world” and have the confidence enough to know that God knows that you know that his word is true. whatta good book.
♡//Sister Parker


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