identity change & swiss explorer.

yo yo yooo here’s the tea of the week

》we did exchanges with the Zollikofen Sisters so I got to be with my all time fav Norwegian frau (+Sister Fleege) for the day and we went bowling with the youth and then came home and had Russian pancakes with Nutellaaaa. So good.

》we had a few appointments and service projects in Biel, so we had a get-away weekend at the Biel apartment and had wayy too much fun (after hours of course) having dance parties and ice cream + gospel media movie nights etc etc etc

》we got a call from a self referral telling us she wants to come to church with us and she knows a ton about the church already and also wants to take the lessons and get baptized!! We like actually freaked out cuz that literally never happens here but hey miracles are real. I’m so hyped yall

》yesterday we decided to go the entire day switching personalities/routines with each other…like everything.

Including: phone, nametag, clothes, food, makeup, bed, backpack, study plans, jewelry, journal, etc.

It’s interesting cuz sometimes I feel like it’s hard to be myself 100% of the time, but trying to be someone else for 24 hours made me realize it’s a lot easier just being me haha

》I finished the New Testament!! It’s crazy cuz at the very beginning of my mish I set a bunch of scripture reading goals that I lowkey didn’t know if I could actually reach, but now I’m working on my last goal of my mission!! I can’t believe it just yeeted by like that wow…the fun thing is that I now all the sudden I realize I have SO much more to learn lol. Buuuuut here is a fun thing I learned this week:

Helaman 13:38 says, “your destruction is made sure; for ye have sought all the days of your lives that which ye could not obtain.”

This is Samuel the Lamanite talking and he’s like mega chastising the people, but I actually love this verse because it’s a reminder to me not to desire for useless things. That can have a lot of different meanings, but right now I take it as setting too high of expectations for myself with things that don’t necessarily matter in the end and therefore I’m wasting my time hoping for things I can’t have. I don’t know if that makes any sense, but I’m just realizing that the Spirit speaks to me strongly lately through little chastizey pushes hehe

♡//Sis P

(ps. for pday we decided to just meet up in Bern and then take random trains, busses, & even a boat around Switzerland)


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