munich, germany.

hello people



latest updates from your german frau…


I was hyped to come to germany to finally hear some high german and immerse myself in the real german-land and as soon as I got here I found out that over 75% of our active members are from Fiji, Samoa, Africa, or all over in South America.

Soooo that’s fun. I’m actually mega excited tho and I love them lots already🥳


my friends. I have spent my ENTIRE mission serving in the tiniest towns and dorfs where like 7 people live. Then I rolled up in flipping Munich where we live on the same street as the subway trains and every kinda store you can think of. It’s absolutely insane and I don’t know what I’m doing but I’m kinda straight vibing with it


we had an Ausstellung and I went on exchanges with a sister on her 2nd day in the mission who has the biggest new-missionary fire I have ever seen in my life…we talked to more people than I can even count and taught probably upwards of 20 lessons!! Here are some mega sweet stories of some of them:

☆croatian/bosnian ladies☆

we were talking to two ladies from Croatia and Bosnia about the Plan of Salvation and only one of them spoke german so it went a little like this:

greenie whispers something she wants to say to me in English > I say it out loud in german > Bosnian lady translates it into Croatian for her friend > the Holy Ghost makes the language barrier practically invisible

At the end of this conversation, we felt prompted to pray with them, and Bosnian frau translated my prayer from german to croatian for her friend and when I opened my eyes, I saw tears in both of their eyes and I couldn’t help but just hug them. We invited them to church and promised to give them a Croatian Book of Mormon!!

☆romanian frau☆

Later, I sat down on a bench next to a lady that looked completely shattered inside and I just went straight in and asked her if she believed God loves her. After a long conversation about a lot of different things, I was trying so hard not to cry as I watched her explaining through tears how hard her life has been. We showed her the verse in 3 Nephi 11 that talks about the people personally feeling the wounds in Christ’s hands and testified that He has felt how she feels. Again, after praying together and feeling the spirit almost stronger than ever, next thing I knew I was hugging a stranger I had never met from Romania as if we were best friends. All I know is that I needed that just as much as she did and I couldn’t be more grateful for Maria🥲💗


we’ll if you’ve made it to here, congrats for enduring to the end. have a wonderful week and remember who you are & what you stand for🙌🏽

♡//Sister Parker


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