500 days down.

halloooo my people

》last pday we had a big football game⚽️ (munich vs. stuttgart zones). It was super fun and we were so hyped and fought so hard lol…but we took the L. Big sad I know. It’s okay tho there are more important things in life;) we also had a zone campfire by the river!!

》we saw a flyer for free Bible reading with a lady named Jeniffer on a lamppost by our apartment, so we were like ummm yes okay and we called her! She was SO excited to hear from us cuz she had the flyers up since February and nobody has called her yet🥲 We ended up talking for a while and prayed together on the phone and she prayed for us by name 4 times in her prayer! So sweet. Then, the next day she texted us and said she found out we are from the Church of Jesus Christ and totally uninvited us and said she doesn’t want to get involved with us😓literally broke my heart.

》the next day we went street finding for a while and seriously like 3 people in a row chewed us out and told us we are completely wrong and need to repent for being “mormons”. One man even stood on a box in the street yelling at everyone to not talk to us and to watch out for the “mormons”. I’m definitely used to rejection, but sometimes it still hurts the heart a little.

》on the bright side, we met with our friend Jonah this week and we all shared our testimonies of the Book of Mormon and he LOVES it more than anything in this world. He is trying to quit smoking, so we made him a pack of “Schrifterette” (scripturettes), so they look like cigarettes but it’s really just paper rolled up with scriptures inside to read instead of smoking haha. Pics below if you wanna see;) he was so stoked about it!!

》we got to help with a Ukrainian immigrant service project on a military base for a day and it was so fun!! I sorted through shoes for probably 4 hours and found some good looking moon boots😏pics of those baddies are also below;)

》a creepy homeless man with 2 teeth kissed my companion at a bus stop and I was trying not to laugh but also extremely terrified at the same time and I was so ready to throw punches but then our bus came 🙂 🙁 gotta love the creeps ya know

》I’ve been on the mish for 500 days!! Kinda wild, kinda fun. Kinda a rip off that elders get so many more days than us but it’s whatever I guess

♡//Sis P


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