bill nye the science guy.

yep so that title has nothing to do with my week but the bill nye theme song is currently stuck in my head so you’re welcome that you now have it in yours too🙌🏽

Quickie updates:


we were running at the park we always go to and on our way home, this 70 year old Italian man ran past us and yelled “laufen sie mit!!” (run with me) and we looked at each other and were like yeah cool why not so we ran with him for a few laps and had a good talk about his background (his name is Arturo) and what we do as missionaries and then we exchanged numbers and went home😂 kinda sus but kinda fun…never thought that would happen on the mish but here we are lol


I don’t know why but I feel like I need to inform yall that we are currently addicted to rice cakes w/peanut butter (we are doing a no sugar fast to help our friend stop smoking & we are just going until he quits…could be the rest of my mission idk)

But we put some in the toaster the other night and were so excited and then it somehow yeeted out of the toaster and fell behind the dryer (don’t ask me why the dryer is in the kitchen or why the toaster is on top of the dryer)…so we lost the last rice cake. RIP little guy😌


we handed out a bunch of flowers to random ladies and said happy mothers day and it was so sweet. Women are pretty cool😎


we were on our way home from an appointment in the middle of nowhere and we realized the next train wouldn’t come for over 30 mins…I was absolutely exhausted from a long day & honestly kinda in a bad mood and the last thing in the world I wanted to do was talk to people (bad missionary, I know)🤦🏽‍♀️. I said a quick prayer that God would help me be happy for the rest of the day and the next thing I knew I found myself telling my comp that I really wanted to do a solid 30 mins of door knocking until our train came. After talking to as many people as we could and getting rejected every single time, I was somehow almost happier than ever. That was NOT the answer I was expecting to that prayer lol. Just another reminder that the work we do is most the time more for me than anyone else. God is good yall🤠

♡//Sister Parker


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