I ate a tongue.

tea of the week:

》the Frankfurt temple was amazing and I definitely needed that😌

》Jonah got baptized!!!

Not that I pick favorites or anything…but he’s probably one of my favorite friends I have taught on my mission. His testimony of the Book of Mormon is the sweetest thing ever and the gospel changed his life so dramatically. I’m so happy I got to witness that change first hand!!🥳

》fruit salad…

We helped a member make fruit salad and the fruit was all on the verge of…dying lol. We put in mangos, apricots, apples, bananas, etc and then she proceeded to pour in a whole thing of chocolate milk and a few cups of water and whatever spices she could find. Then she had us put the bowl of fruit salad in one of her cat playground baskets until dessert so it proceeded to get baked in the sun and it got COVERED in flies and cat hair. It was…interesting hahah but it could definitely be worse🥭🍌🍑🍎


We had dinner with one of my fav families in the ward from Angola, and they made us a special dish that they love and when they dished it up I was slightly concerned and trying to decide if what I was about to eat was some kind of animal skin, a weird fatty meat, or whatever haha. It wasn’t until I cut into it and ate it that I realized it was most definitely tongue. I have no idea what animal because they speak very little German (only Portuguese), but I think I’m content just not knowing exactly where it came from…but I feel like everyone eats tongue on their mission and I thought I was gonna miss out but I barely got it in the last week and a half👏🏽😅

》I had European gelato for the first time since last summer in Salzburg and it was a holy experience😇 (we just did a month long no sugar fast so we had to miss out on all the other times haha)


so a few weeks ago I was eating a McDonald’s happy meal on a train dying laughing cuz I kept spilling ketchup all over myself and a random lady across the isle from us started laughing with me and then we ended up having a conversation and exchanging numbers & we invited her to church…we finally ended up meeting up with her again and we got massive pretzels and hot chocolate and sat by a lake and talked about our personal relationships with God and holy crap the spirit was strong. At the end, we gave her a Book of Mormon and shared our favorite verses with her and she hugged us like 4 times and said thank you:) then as soon as we left, she sent us a picture of the open Book of Mormon in her lap reading at the lake🥲

Things I love:


-missionary work

-breakfast burritos

-the Book of Mormon

-naked baby statues (lol not really but they are EVERYWHERE)

♡//Sister Parker


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