
Over two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ came into the world as an infant child to bring a work to the world which would change it forever. I have wondered before why this particular event in history is one that is celebrated every year and will never be forgotten? It has taken me my whole life to come to a greater understanding of the Savior and fully appreciate and commemorate His purpose in coming to this world. I have always loved celebrating Christmas each year and remembering the story of the birth of Jesus Christ. However, this year, I decided to be more diligent in focusing on the light of the Savior throughout the whole year and not just for the month of December. Because of the examples I have seen from specific people I love, I believe that the reason for the Christmas season is not only to remember the importance of the time when Christ came into the world. More importantly, it is a time to focus on when He was born inside our hearts and how we can continue to overcome the evil of the world to strengthen our growing testimonies of His matchless love. I have learned that one of the most powerful ways to do this is by becoming a true disciple and example of the light of Christ to others and conforming our lives to the pattern which the Lord has set for us during his mortal ministry. Especially this time of year, I love the song, “O Divine Redeemer”, as it is a reminder to me of the true divinity of the Messiah. It explains how merciful and loving the Savior is even though we be unworthy in our cries to Him and how He forgets our sins and saves us through them. This brings me so much joy and excitement for the day which I will see Him again. I know that Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace, the Redeemer of the World, the Messiah, and the Son of the Living Father. Although He was born to this world and died because of this world, I know that my Savior lives and I can feel of His marvelous power each day I live and strive to engage in His call to bring souls unto Him. I am grateful that the loving son of God was willing to be born into a wicked world because He cared enough about each individual person to carry their burdens and bring a hope to each faithful follower of Him. I hope that I can have faith as the wise men did when following the light of the star to find Jesus and I know that if I continue to follow the light that He shows, I will find Him just as they did.

D&C 76:41-That he came into the world, even Jesus, to be crucified for the world, and to bear the sins of the world, and to sanctify the world, and to cleanse it from all unrighteousness.

Love, Lily


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