
Wow. This month I have definitely learned the lesson of loyalty and communication and holy crap that has changed my life. There have been so many times in my life where I don’t want to hurt people’s feelings or ruin my relationship with them so I choose not to bring up conflict or confusion to preserve their feelings. However, sometimes it hurts people more when you go without saying how you feel and it isn’t fair to lead people to assume how you feel about something simply because you don’t have the courage to speak up. Communication can be so powerful when using a secure mindset and a constructive and mature way to do so. This ties in to loyalty because I feel like when you really love and care about someone, you are willing to do anything to protect them and help them at any time and any cost. Loyalty to me means supporting interdependently on someone and letting their voice be heard when needed. I think back to all of the times in the scriptures when Jesus Christ carried out the will of His father even when it got hard and how He would pray and communicate with Him to surely know the things He should do to follow the plan. He stood up against evil and relied on His father to carry him through what He needed. I hope someday to be secure in the relationships I have and be able to be loyal to all those I love and learn to love those who I have a hard time understanding.

Matthew 10:39-He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

Love, Lily


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