
Consider the lilies of the filed. They do not toil or spin which means they extend from their roots and reach upwards in their steadfast growth. As a symbol of purity, devotion, and passion, lilies are a wonderful flower to be named after;). I love that the scriptures and music of the gospel share so many amazing messages of how Christ shares His example with us of how to continue on in life with strength and diligence. He knows the lilies of the field. He feeds the lambs of His fold. He will heal those that trust Him and make their hearts of gold. Because the Savior sees me as more than just who I am right now, I hope I can have the passion to always strive to diligently follow Him and allow Him to heal me and change my heart into one of gold.

Matthew 6:28-And why are ye anxious concerning raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin.

Love, Lily


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