
For being a stubborn little girl, the characteristic of being “teachable” has been one of the most difficult for me to learn. It’s not fun to be proven wrong, to learn lessons the hard way, or to have to be uncomfortable or out of your comfort zone. So many times in my life I have had such a fixed mindset and haven’t been able to allow people or experiences to teach me important lessons. The day I decided that I am okay with being wrong is the day I started growing in ways I have never before enabled myself to. Thinking back to the life of Christ, I’m amazed of His example of being teachable. Even though He was perfect and never did anything wrong, He was still able to teach how important it is to be taught and to listen and live the way He did. Whether it’s learning how to be a better disciple of Christ or learning to listen better in a boring class, being teachable is a trait I will strive to continually improve in my life.

3 Nephi 22:13- And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children.

Love, Lily


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