
One of the most powerful experiences one can make in life is discovering a single word that can govern and impact your entire life in all aspects. A word that can not only change you as a person, but that will also improve your relationships with every person you speak to and strive to connect with. Discovering this difference you can make will change the world. In the past two months of my life, I have questioned, doubted, and striven to find what it is in life that I can do that will make the world a better place. Through self-reflection, genuine criticism from my Inner Guide, and personal motivation to carry out important goals I have set for myself, I have been impacted in tremendous ways. The word that changed my life derived from the combination of two commonly misunderstood words: dependence and independence. Interdependence is a life changing concept because it digs deep into individuals to find specific ways to spark personal growth, allows relationships to thrive and improve, and creates a sense of unity in families and communities. Acquiring personal interdependence is the most important first step to take in making a difference. It seems contradicting to focus internally on balancing independence and dependence, but finding the most effective way to balance your emotions with your logical views on life creates inner confidence and security. It is simply impossible to achieve individual success without first understanding who you are as an individual. From what I have studied and applied to my personal life, interdependence is the most effective way to become emotionally unstoppable and completely confident in yourself and the decisions you choose to make. The next big step to take is implementing the personally achieved interdependency into important lasting relationships. I have found that having positive relationships based on constructive communication can be a stepping stone to genuine happiness and success. Having someone that will listen to you and keep you accountable of personal goals, whether it is a family member, a close friend, or a significant other, will allow you to reach new heights in life. Without fail, every single time I have had an issue in a relationship and kept it to myself, the issue increasingly got more pressing and frustrating to me. The day I learned how to communicate my needs and what is truly important to me was the day that the frustrations and doubts were replaced with significant depth and increased trust. When it comes to making a big difference in the world, the first thing that always comes to mind is being a powerful political figure, an influential celebrity, or an inspiring famous sports athlete. While these are significant and important individuals who have certainly done their part to improve society, there are so many other ways to make a change for the better. The times in history that led to big improvements and changes seem to begin with personal interdependency and strength in relationships with others which led to a confident leap of faith to make known the things that were important to them. Almost always, when people are simply passionate about what they love and share it with others, lives are changed and others can mirror and achieve their own success and confidence. Making a difference in the world and changing your life for good doesn’t have to be a big and significant experience. It can all begin with taking a small step towards personal interdependency and allowing that self-security to spark confidence in others. Focus on the one word that inspires you to improve and let it create any influence it must on the world around you. The world is a certainly a better place because of the individuals that are willing to take a leap towards personal success.

Love, Lily


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