
Each person on this earth possesses a degree of the light of Christ. Simply because we chose to be here, we chose to follow God, and whether or not we realize it, we are a significant part of His divine purpose. I like to picture everything in the sense of the degrees of glory: telestial, terrestrial, and celestial. Depending on where we are at in life, we will have different amounts of light inside of us. Some may shine like the stars of the telestial kingdom while others may resemble the light of the moon. I believe that Christ is the only one with celestial light at this point, but we all have the ability to become like Him if we continue to find ways to increase the light we’ve been given. Those that are seeking to know Christ will find Him. Sometimes the hardest part of having faith is knowing how to act in faith. We know we can pray to Heavenly Father and He will listen. We know we can be comforted and guided by the Holy Ghost. But how do we directly connect with the Savior? My personal opinion believes that there is a reason the Godhead has been set up in such a way. We need the father figure to love us and believe in us as we believe in Him. We need the Comforter to strengthen and increase our faith in the most important being to exist on this terrestrial world: Jesus Christ. We directly connect with the Savior through His atonement. We have been given the opportunity to draw closer to Him each day as we willingly accept that infinite and unchanging gift that He has already prepared for us. At times I have felt insignificant as I bow my head and ask for forgiveness for sins that I continually mess up with. I feel like I am asking too much for Him to forgive me for something that I continue to do though I am trying to change. I have learned that as soon as I have repented and been forgiven, He no longer remembers what I have done, and at that point, I need to move on. We are taught to “confess and forsake” our sins each day. Sometimes when I think of forsaking, I just think of no longer committing that sin and moving on. However, I think it is just as important to forsake the feelings of guilt and shame that come from sinning. Yes it is good to remember that you didn’t like how you felt when you went through it so you remember not to do it again, but if it comes to the point where it is still weighing you down after even God has forgotten it, that is a sign that Satan wants you to give up on yourself and that feeling is never of God. My goal this month is to strive for strength in faith so I can feel the redeeming power of the Savior. He lives and wants us to succeed. All glory be to God.

2 Corinthians 3:18-But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Love, Lily


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