woche zwei.

It has been a good week! Being a missionary is so much fun and I can already feel how much of a blessing it is to me to have the Spirit as a constant companion in addition to my wonderful companion, Sister Miltimore, every day! She is a gem and we get along so well (which is good cuz we zoom together for 9 or more hours a day;)) It’s crazy to me how much I have already learned about the gospel and about German! I love my district and teachers and everyone I work with. We work so hard and it takes a whole lot of commitment to represent the Savior. But it’s so worth it. I was looking through pictures with my dad of the last month or so and I kept telling him that I looked so immature and little in those pics cuz I feel like I’ve grown up a lot since being in the MTC haha. However, I don’t have a ton of cool stories or funny things that have happened so far cuz it’s only been like a week and a half, but I’m looking forward to all that is to come! Ich weiss dass Gott liebt alle seine Kinder und kennt jeden persönlich. Jesus Christus ist der Sohn von Himmlischer Vater und sein Sünopfer kann alle Menschen ändern.

Liebe, Sister Parker


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