woche drei.

Hallo hallo! I’m gonna be honest, this past week I have felt so much stress and I low key thought I was gonna die at times, BUT I made it and for some reason I loved it because I grew so much! I’ve gotten to the point where I’ve gone so far out of my comfort zone that I don’t even think I have a comfort zone anymore haha. I’m realizing the best way to make every day the best day ever is to find little miracles in everything. For example, the other day during one of my lunch breaks, my grandparents and I were eating our daily pudding cup (I always get chocolate, grams gets tapioca and gramps gets lemon lol). I opened mine up and was getting ready to lick the lid off and then I dropped it face down on my dress and I was so mad cuz I definitely didn’t have the time to clean it, but somehow it didn’t get any pudding on my dress and that was my little miracle of the day;). Such an insignificant story, but hey God loves me.

Today I have my first 30 minute German teaching lesson and I’m a little terrified, but I know that I need to practice and make all the mistakes I can so I can learn. The best thing ever is that it’s impossible to fail at missionary work unless I give up on myself and God. All it takes is surviving one day at a time and recognizing the strengths and weaknesses God has given me to build up His kingdom. It is so important to focus on your relationship with the Savior before focusing on all the other worries of life. If Christ is in the center, fear cannot last. I have learned that the best way to eliminate fear and anxiety is to get to work. Stop thinking about yourself and all the things you can’t change and focus on your purpose as an instrument in God’s hands.

My funny moments of this week are just the random things my district and I do to make days full of zoom a fun time. The other day, we decided to prank our teacher by changing all of our zoom profile pics to his picture and change our zoom names to his so when we joined the meeting, everyone was exactly the same. Naturally in our immaturity, we all couldn’t stop laughing through the first hour of class and everything anyone said or did was just hilarious. I love my district, we have some quality times together. Even though we haven’t actually ever met in real life, I have grown to love and respect every single one of them.

I want the whole world to know that God is real and He loves us so much more than we’ll ever know. Not only did Jesus Christ die for us, but he LIVES for us every single day. I know it. I am so grateful for the Holy Ghost and the comfort and peace He brings me in reminding me that Jesus Christ is perfect so I don’t have to be. Gott ist gut.

Liebe, Sister Parker


One response to “woche drei.”

  1. Jodi Parker Avatar
    Jodi Parker

    Way to be Sister Parker – I’m so proud of you and your ability to embrace growth! Reminds me of a favorite quote: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” Winston Churchill
    Sure do love ya,
    The Lioness

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