
Well, I officially finished the MTC! Those short six weeks were the best times ever. I didn’t know it was possible to learn and grow so much so fast! Almost a week ago, I got word that I will be reassigned to the San Bernardino, California mission temporarily until Germany gets out of their current lockdown. I seriously am so excited to go to southern Cali for a while and get the work going! It is such a blessing to be able to be a part of two different missions and I know I’ll look back one day and be so grateful for these wonderful opportunities. Since I finished the MTC on Saturday, I have this “dead week” from then until next Tuesday before I fly out to my mission, so I’ve been able to spend some time with my family which is always a good time.

Ich bin so dankbar für die Gelegenheit, die ich hatte, um im MTC zu sein. Ich weiß, dass der Himmlischer Vater mich kennt. Er liebt uns. Er möchte, dass wir glücklich sind. Ich glaube, dass die Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der letzten Tage die Wahrheit ist. Ich versuche zu leben wie Christus hat gelebt, weil er Perfekt ist und er hat die Macht zu mir Perfekt sein auch.

Hab eine schöne Woche! I love you all((:

Liebe, Sister Parker


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