croatian vacation week two.

Okay if you need a good time in life and wanna just chill with 60 awesome German missionaries in Croatia, hit me up and we can party;)

This week was another super fun week of “quarantine”! Our daily schedule is as follows:
Wake up and go walk across the city to play soccer with all the missionaries, eat the provided breakfast, chill and get ready, 3 hour German class with our funny native croatian teachers, walk around the city to get lunch (usually at a bakery) and then gelato of course, shopping for most Sisters lol, studies, fancy dinner, watching the Chosen in the presidential suite, nightly devo with the Alpine missionaries, girls night party every single night.
my fav parts this week:
》eating the strawberries from the markets….hands down world’s best strawberries here.
》playing soccer in the pouring rain with the missionaries in the old broken down stadium we found
》yesterday we heard a huge crowd of people and so we went and watched the Croatia vs England soccer game on the huge TV in the center of town with a bunch of crazy people dressed in the Croatian flag and it was seriously such a party
》being able to have how ever long of personal study that I want and feeling the spirit so strongly all the time (a given as a missionary)
》I LOVE JESUS. that’s my favorite part of every week.
Today we are headed on a bus ride to national parks in Croatia to see some lakes and waterfalls and I’m super pumped!!
Stay tuned for next weeks email – I will finally be in my german speaking mission grinding the work!! Love you all:))
Volim vas sve,
♡//Sister Parker
(ps, dont ask questions with the pictures; this is just how sisters are when they are around each other 24/7 and it’s okay haha)


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