claim your blessings.

HEY!! so this week was like a DOWNPOUR of spiritual experiences and it was actually the best thing ever. so my apologies if this email is longer than you want it to be, but welcome to the brain of sister parker as a missionary hehe

》the story of my life changing exercise ball yoga. . .
okay so on wednesday morning we got back from our daily run and I was doing a yoga workout with an exercise ball and then I decided to take a quick rest and propped my feet on the ball and just laid on our apartment floor in my sweaty workout clothes (kinda gross lol you know the vibes). for some reason my brain went straight to prayer and I just started pouring out my life to Heavenly Father and it ended up being one of the most powerful spiritual experiences and conversations I’ve ever had. MY PEEPS. Heavenly Father seriously cares about literally anything you care about and He is willing to talk to you even in the weirdest situations. all He needs you to do is believe.
》the story of picking scabs. . .
anyone that really knows me knows I am the WORST at picking every scab I ever have. but this week I had such a powerful thought about how scabs are like mistakes and repentance. we make a mistake, He heals us over time, and sometimes we continue making the mistake or picking the scab that is already in the works of fixing itself. however, the more we pick at the scab the more likely it is to leave a scar. which isnt always bad! scars remind us what we went through and help us remember not to make the same mistakes again. so let God heal your scabs and mistakes and if you make the same mistake again, forgive yourself and try again:)
》the story of claiming your blessings. . .
we had the best ever zone conference this week about praying and the power that comes from it and they told us that we have been given specific blessings and gifts and sometimes the only thing holding us back from seeing those miracles is the fact that we aren’t claiming it. look through your patriarchal blessing and have the confidence to claim and work for the blessings you’ve been given!
》the story of the sacred grove in Austria. . .
the other day my companion and I decided we want to give everything we have and more to neumarkt and find friends to teach that are ready to hear the gospel. we noticed that our area on a map is in the shape of a heart, so naturally we found the middle of the heart and drove there to a place in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of gorgeous fields and trees and mountains and we knelt down together and started a fast and prayer for our area and the people here. it was SO powerful. the sacred grove is honestly anywhere you want to feel the spirit and pray with the faith to see miracles. miracles are everywhere.
》the story of the seminary kids. . .
we were so lucky and were asked to come on a spiritual scavenger hunt walk around lake wallersee with the students after seminary graduation and they are just the sweetest and most of them are planning on going on missions so die gemeinde neumarkt is about to change the world;)
》the story of painting the balcony. . .
the other day we got to help one of my fav members of the ward paint her balcony and while we did she shared this amazing scripture with us about how we can literally pray for anything and if we do it with faith and a grateful heart, God will bless us with what we desire. even horses & chariots;)
D&C 62:7, “I, the Lord, am willing, if any among you desire to ride upon horses, or upon mules, or in chariots, he shall receive this blessing, if he receive it from the hand of the Lord, with a thankful heart in all things.”
again sorry for the outpour of thoughts but this is in request of mother jodester so you’re welcome mom;))
I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH. a lot more than you realize. & I am so grateful for you.
♡//Sister Parker
(ps: in the pics it shows some our pday last week inside a mountain in Salzburg @ the salt mines, one of my buddies, Lea, and I after having a mega pullup competition, an attempt to make mac n mators, the seminary kids, our heart shaped area, and the 4th of July)


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