sufficient is the day.

Finally out of quarantine!! But this whole week I was in quarantine so not much to say haha. Here are some spiritual thoughts tho hehe (just what you wanted)

》first off, proud accomplishment: we somehow taught almost 50 lessons this week despite not going outside once. (Social media, members, sending lesson videos to people) the work goes on!!
I have seen the phrase so often in the scriptures that says, “For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.” This week my studies have been focused on both Isaiah and 3 Nephi and I’m noticing so many patterns in the behavior of people before the coming of the Savior. I keep asking myself, “Why does He always choose to come when the world is at it’s worst??” But this week as I studies the chapters in 3 Nephi focused on the coming of Christ, I noticed a new and wonderful way of feeling the Savior’s love. He warns the people 3 times of His coming beforehand with a still and piercing voice, pleading them to repent and come unto Him; in their wickedness. And the very first thing He did when He finally came down is invite every single person there to come feel the wounds in His hands and His side. Every person. The wicked and the good. Not a soul could deny the divinity and reality of their Redeemer after having a personal and powerful experience with the Savior himself. To me this is evidence that He comes to us. He finds us where we are and regardless of where that may be, He loves us and extends His mercy towards us so that we can feel the love He has for us.
How much sweeter do you think your personal and powerful experience will be with the Savior one day if you are prepared to see Him? If you recognize His voice and choose Him even when the world is wicked? I think we will be amazed to see how ready He is to meet us even when we dont feel ready to meet Him.

people ask me all the time why I came on a mission and I realize more and more every time that I really dont know why I decided to come on a mission. I didn’t have a life changing eye opening experience that brought me here or a huge life turnaround that resulted in me deciding to serve. But I’ve come to a conclusion that whatever inspired my decision over a year ago to put in my mission papers no longer matters. What really matters is why I choose to stay on a mission and what drives me through missionary work. And to that I have an answer. I am here now because I love studying the scriptures. I love seeing how people grow and change in times of old and then getting to go see that first hand in this day and age. I love being a direct witness of the light that the gospel brings to people’s lives and hearts which changes their entire countenance (see 3 Nephi 13:22) I love creating new relationships whether it be with random people on the street or on social media, companions and other missionaries, ward members, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and even strengthening my relationship with myself. Had I not made the decision for whatever reason I did to come on a mission, I would never had been able to experience that change in myself and help others to do the same. I guess bottom line is I’m happy to be here;))
Well if you’ve made it this far, good job I’m proud;)) please send me the most impactful thing you studied this week, I LOVE learning about all the cool things there are to study. I LOVE YOU LOTS!!
♡♡//Sister Lily Parker
(ps also I got my new companion and dropped off Sister Veer to go home 🙂 🙁 my new comps name is Sister Astle and like literally I have absolutely adored and loved every single comp so far, but Sister Astle and I clicked hard first day and we’re already besties so this transfer is gonna be a BOP)


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