blanket forts & christmas parties.


This week was super good!! We…..

》went to some sound of music sights and saw a super cute town decorated for Christmas

》had tons of zoom lessons and we got Florian on date for Innsbruck!! He is such a stud. We also met with Horst a few times and he is literally my fav. What a guy.

》made brownies and took them around with Book of Mormons* to our neighbors as Christmas gifts

》went running every day in 8 inches of unplowed snowww (10/10 would recommend)

》I came to Innsbruck with the Innsbruck Sisters for the weekend to help them with some stuff and we ended up decorating for Christmas and then building a sick blanket fort and watched a cute (approved) Christmas movie inside. It was so fun!!

》zone conference!! We have only had 1 zone conference since I got to Austria (bcuz of the 3 mission conferences), so this was monumental lol. We had a hilarious talent show and a white elephant gift exchange and we all wore our Dirndls and Lederhosen!! Such a good time.

》I have been watching every video about Christ on gospel library during my freetime and it is completely changing me. The New Testament stories of Jesus combined with the Book of Mormon literally have the power to set up a foundation of faith in Christ that can never fail. I can’t imagine my life without this knowledge and faith!!

♡//Sister Lily Parker

(*If you say ‘Books of Mormon’ rather than ‘Book of Mormons’ pls email me personally because I need to try to understand where you’re coming from hahaha)


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