it’s a party over here.

yooooo here are some fun christmas celebration stories for your enjoyment…


for pday we went to the original chapel where the song silent night (stille nacht) was written, it was kinda fun not gonna lie


so in the past 7 days, we have had 9 Christmas dinners. and when I say Christmas dinner, I mean the full ok 3 course meal with take home treats and so much random meat that I had to shove down miraculously. I’m a very grateful frau, but if I look pregnant for the next little while, just know they treat us good here;)


remember my fav family (the sommereggers) that I always tell miracle stories about? well in the past 2 weeks, we have been over like 5 times and talked about the BofM every time and also did random things like walking their cute dog with them, trying Christmas cookies they made, and helping them make a MASSIVE gingerbread city cake thing. (pics below) I seriously love them and I’ll miss them lots!!


we had a fun christmas eve concert @ the church and I got to play the piano for the whole thing and my comps sang in the women’s choir lol, good times (#tochterzion4life)


we got to spend christmas eve night with the stake presidents family and it was SO fun to see all the fun traditions traditions do!! they treated us like their kids and gave us wayyy too many gifts for what we deserve haha. my fav part was when they put sparklers on the christmas tree and I thought the house was gonna burn down haha


for some reason, President Naatjes decided to give all the missionaries permission to stay out til midnight on christmas eve, so naturally we went to the cool chapel on our street and joined the catholic mass!! super cool experience, but guys let me tell you…the church is so true and you can just feel a difference of spirit


after 5 transfers in Neumarkt, Austria, I got transfered yesterday to Burgdorf, Switzerland!! I was SO sad and I actually teared up on the train which is crazy cuz I haven’t cried in months. I’m so excited to be here in Burgdorf and I LOVE it already, but I will definitely miss Austria🥲


Ich weiß, dass Jesus Christus geboren wurde und wegen ihm ist mein Leben ganz anders. Ich habe keine Zweifel, dass er mich liebt und mich versteht. Vergiss nie, dass du geliebt wirst!!

♡//Sister Lily Parker


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