military frau.


did you have a stellar week? mine was on the high end of sub par if you were wondering;)

》I don’t think I’ve done as much service on my whole mission as we’ve done the past week or two…90% of it was cleaning and organizing older ladies houses so I thoroughly enjoyed that haha

》I spent 2 days in Zollikofen with Sister Andersen (she’s from Norway & literally one of my fav people ever) she was a military castle guard in Norway, so she taught me some cool marches and intimidating ways to hold an invisible gun so you better watch out

》cool miracleee

soo a few weeks ago we went street finding in Burgdorf and found a man that doesn’t speak a lick of English or German cuz he’s from a tiny country in Africa that only speaks French. Somehow we got the point across that we wanted to give him a Book and that we were missionaries. We gave him our number thinking nothing more of it and then he actually texted us!! (First miracle). Thennn after a good conversation (good ol Google translate), he invited us over to his host family’s house! (He is a refugee). We brought one of our French speaking members (luckily all the members speak like 7 languages each lol) and had a fire lesson about the Book of Mormon and the restoration. I could go into detail about every little miracle and evidence of God’s hand I this story, but bottom line is that it was such a powerful experience and we now have a new and promising friend of the church because of it!! I already know the gospel is gonna change his life and I can’t wait to see it.

》sadly that’s pretty much all I have to say this week, but I did read a pretty rad scripture this week in Acts 5:41 that sayyyys:

“And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name.”

I think it’s so cool that the disciples were always so proud and honored to bear witness of Jesus Christ, even when they got persecuted for it. I’m grateful that I get to do even the slightest of what they did in bearing testimony and “suffering shame” for the Savior. He’s such a good friend:)

♡//Sis P


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