free hot cocoa all the days.

Such. A. Good. Week.


so do you remember the cool Persian dude we met last week that works at the train station kiosk? Well we see him alllll the time but only for like 5 minute increments while we wait for our bus, but we’ve had some good conversations and this week we gave him a Persian Book of Mormon and he gave us an insanely good free hot chocolate in return!! He also invited us to come to the restraunt that he and his wife own to let us try their food!! Stay tuned next week;))


okay so the thrift shops here are a whole new level of boojee swiss vibe. We went to a thrift shop in Bern with one of our members to get some new stuff for our apartment and everything there was like way to nice to be thrift shopped lol. But we got free hot chocolate there too at their cute cafe made out of 2nd hand furniture!!

》LETS GET REAAAL (@ safety zone)

imma be real here. I know that every missionary’s weekly email always makes it seem like they are just living the dream and having the best time of their life (which is very true), but a lot of times the reality of missionary work gets left out.

Missions are so hard in so many ways you would never expect!! Asides the fact that your testimony gets tested every day, you have to fight to keep the modivation to keep going, you are trying to communicate with people that speak a completely foreign language to you and in hundreds of different dialects, and you gain so much mission weight lol, the hardest parts seem to be the personal struggles and battles that nobody can see.

I’ll be completely honest and say that my entire mission I have struggled with feelings of inadequacy or worrying that my best isn’t good enough. There have been times on my mission where my self confidence has seemed to sink lower than ever before in my life and it’s taken me a long time to realize that THAT IS OKAY.

I wish I could add on to that and say I’ve found the solution and I’m perfectly content and happy, but I’m not quite there yet (open to ideas lol) but I just want to make it known to anyone that may be struggling, that you aren’t the only one and I do strongly believe there is a way out, even if I haven’t figured it out yet♡


♡//Sister Parker


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