brot wars.

》I forgot to mention this last week, but we went with one of our friends we are teaching to his church!! It was super fun and way cool and it was pretty much like a Christian night club with a live band and a Ted talk kinda thing. We had a good time and it was cool to see how he worships!!

》we had MLC and it was sooo good!! We talked all about doing everything we do with the spirit and we had a super cool testimony meeting with all the sisters:) president also let us take some of his electric scooters from his house to the church and it was a fun time

》about the title…nothing special; I just had a baguette sword fight with Sister Fleege the other day (I lost btw….)

》I had to speak in church on Sunday in the Biel ward and it was actually really fun!! I talked about the role of families in the Restoration and how Joseph Smith’s family was just as crucial in the Restoration as our families are today to teach & learn the gospel.

A quote from Joseph Smith that I loved was, “My mother, who was a very pious woman and much interested in the welfare of her children, both here and hereafter, made use of every means which her parental love could suggest, to get us engaged in seeking for our souls’ salvation, or (as the term then was) ‘in getting religion.’ She prevailed on us to attend the meetings, and almost the whole family became interested in the matter, and seekers after truth. We always had family prayers since I can remember.”

♡//Sis P


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