bern zone, best zone.

Hallo zämä!! I don’t know who’s getting more sick of my weekly emails…me or you🧐 but here we are again so gird up your loins


on pday we had a big soccer match with all the missionaries in Switzerland (zone vs. zone) and everyone knew that Bern Zone would win with our small army of 15, so Zurich and St. Gallen zones decided to combine forces against us with like 40 people on their team. If you were wondering, we still won 8-7 and we all played hard for 90 minutes for that win. All is well in Zion folks ⚽️ #scoringgoals&savingsouls


I don’t know what it is but I always have a burning desire to over-celebrate every holiday just for fun…so we had a little St. Pattys day party on exchanges in Pratteln🍀🥳 we had green Dutch pancakes with a bunch of fruit, listening to Irish orchestra music, and made green cake. Good times


• we helped an older couple in the Biel ward cut a bunch of branches and then they fed us SUCH good tomato cheese fondue🤩

• right after that we went to this cute daycare for old people thing where we helped with cleaning, talked to them, and then we all sang Swiss German folk songs together which made my whole day🥲

• on Saturday we had a stake relief society activity the entire day where we had a cool devotional & discussions and stuff and then we did a huge service project where we made 150 care package bags for women from Ukraine that are coming here. We even got to meet some of the families from Ukraine!! I can already tell that all the fasting and prayers for them is making a big difference. 🇺🇦


I found out I’m getting transfered to Munich, Germany!! So now to all of you that have been asking me how Germany is for the past 15 months, I will finally actually have an answer for you😏


I love comparing the scriptures 2 Nephi 31:20 and Alma 32:21 because they both talk about faith & hope. I think it’s so interesting that it specifically says that our faith will not be perfect, but our hope needs to be. I firmly believe that when we hope for things, our faith will strengthen itself to where it needs to be. Pray for hope!!🙏

♡//Sis P


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