3 countries // 3 days.

this week was a very spiritually uplifting one, so gird up your loins if you’re actually planning on reading the whole thing 👀


okay but always gotta start with the fun stuff…last week for pday we went to Salzburg and got Leberkäse, went to the Sound of Music hill, & then to Königsee. 3 words. I. Miss. Austria. okay moving on


for good friday, we met up with the entire mission in Switzerland and had the opportunity to personally meet Elder Uchtdorf!! I never thought I’d talk to that man in his mother language but here we are. I literally can’t even explain in words how spiritually powerful that conference was…I don’t even remember anything specific that was said but for some reason I was in full on tears by the closing song and prayer and I don’t even remember the last time I cried before that so that was weird. At the very end, we stood in a huge circle and sang our mission song, “Er Ruft” (we sing it @ every zone conf), and I looked across from me and saw Uchtdorf crying and I couldn’t leave him hanging so I cried too;) lol I’m such a baby all the sudden what is this


there’s this cool dude from Iraq that I talked to on the street last week and we met with him this week and taught him the restoration and how to pray and it went insanely good. He said at the beginning he was gonna go to a bunch of parties this weekend cuz drinking is his fav hobby, and by the end of the lesson, he told us that he’s not going to drink this week and he wants us to help him quit!! I’m hyped to keep meeting with him, he has lots of potential


there was a super sweet refugee fam from Ukraine @ church and the mom asked me to translate sunday school for them, so I was cranking out the google translate lol but at the end of the meeting, she leaned over to me and told me through tears that she had just gotten a message saying that her hometown in Ukraine had just been bombed. I had no idea what I could say say help, so I just gave her a huge hug. We both decided that we really needed each other that day. I am so impressed with her and how much faith she has! Keep them in your prayers everyone♡

Okay I’m leaving it at that cuz I’m sick of writing, but it was a really good spiritual week and I couldn’t be happier to be a missionary. Keep on keepin on my friends🙌🏽

♡//Sister Parker


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